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How long do the results last?

Everyone is different, but the collagen you make is your own and continues to accelerate production over three months. Results will compound with…

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When can I wear makeup?

Most patients go out within hours after their treatment with no makeup at all. TO maximize the combination of open channels, we recommend not wearing…

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How many treatments do I need?

Most patients will need 3-4 treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. While the results are often immediate for skin tone and texture improvement, there…

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What is radiofrequency (RF)?

Radiofrequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger-looking skin. Combined with…

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What is the recovery time?

With the Vivace™ microneedling + radiofrequency treatment, there is virtually no-downtime following your treatment. Our trained Nurse…

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