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Our Team

Dr. Hisham Seify

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Hisham Seify is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).

Dr. Seify graduated from Cairo University with honors in 1992. He spent 13 years in post-graduate training, earning a masters degree, a PhD and board certification in plastic surgery. He finished his plastic surgery Fellowship at Emory University in 2005. He furthered his surgical training with a fellowship in Occuloplastic and aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

He is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor at the David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine in addition to being in private practice in Newport Beach CA.

Dr. Seify has published a wide range of scientific articles, book and medical textbooks chapters on the subject of plastic surgery. He has lectured and presented scientific papers nationally and overseas. Since 2008, he has been a visiting professor and guest speakers to hospitals overseas to perform surgeries on both civilians and veterans.


Aesthetic Injector

Jasman is a passionate Physician Assistant with injecting skills dedicated to maintaining and restoring natural beauty. She graduated with a Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies from Hofstra University in 2019. Her focus is on natural injectables, preventative care, skin health, and to achieve authentic and beautiful results. During her free time, you can find this fun loving PA at the gym, trying new restaurants, or traveling.


Clinic Director

Gracell is a results-focused Clinic Manager, adept at running an organized medical setting while achieving high rates of customers satisfaction, and effectively supporting a team which leads to higher levels of productivity. She is dedicated to bringing forth a commitment to developing lasting relationships, reflecting her genuine love of providing clients with the most pleasurable personalized experience.


Medical Aesthetician

Jennifer is an LA native, with a true passion, or rather obsession for aesthetics. With a reputable career as a professional makeup artist for the last twenty years, Jen's focus expanded into wellness and skin health as she realized that was truly what made her clients look and feel their best. As a licensed esthetician for the last ten years, she’s helped countless clients transform and achieve their skin goals. She understands that each client's skin is unique and enjoys embarking on personalized skin journeys with her clients and watching their confidence in their own skin blossom, as that is truly the most rewarding part of being an esthetician.


Medical Aesthetician

Dani Knight is a Los Angeles native who went to Aveda Institute Los Angeles for her Esthiology Certification. She later went on to be the Guest Care Team Lead at Aveda, then promoted as an Esthetics Educator. Dani is certified in many areas, one of her most prized is being a Master Hydrafacialist and currently mentors for Hydrafacial, along with her Alumni students. She has over 5 years of experience in Aesthetics with a background of 18 years in the medical field.
She loves treating all skin types and conditions with luxury and providing educated driven results. Dani's passion for overall wellness and skincare gives her clients the ease and confidence to trust her with their professional treatments and guidance with at-home regimens.



Medical Aesthetician

Known for her expert knowledge of SkinCeuticals products and her ability to personalize each experience, Claire Connors brings a blend of precision and passion to the world of skincare. With years of experience and a deep commitment to the transformative power of science-backed beauty, Claire ensures every client leaves with glowing confidence and radiant skin. Her dedication to excellence makes her the go-to esthetician for those seeking both expertise and exceptional care.


Medical Assistant

As an LA native and UCSD alumni, Yasmine serves as a trusted Medical Assistant and valued member of our Patient Concierge Team. With her background in healthcare and dedication to providing exceptional patient care, she ensures that every client’s journey at our spa is safe, comfortable, and rewarding. She assists our skilled team of professionals in delivering a wide range of aesthetic procedures and making sure every individual feel valued and empowered to achieve their aesthetic goals at SkinLab.



Skincare Specialist

Eloise, a native of Los Angeles, is a skincare specialist. She returned to her hometown after earning a psychology degree from the University of Arizona and has dedicated herself to working in the medical spa sector. Known for her welcoming demeanor and deep understanding of skincare, she is highly regarded for her expertise with SkinCeuticals products.

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